Monday, 24 September 2012


When it’s a bit blurred and hard,
Everything getting a little hefty,
Nothing interesting,
All is fading, doors closing,
Steady we are heading,
Do not worry you’ll never know the ending,
Whistle a hymn of praising and let God do the amazing,
No matter the situation,
He’s always been my source of communication,
With everything I mention,
He always takes action,
Do not lean on your own understanding,
Let him be the done deal.

Monday, 17 September 2012


A busy day it’s always been,
In all ways,
Take it easy, there’s a pay day,
Make hay while the sun shines,
Shine on,
Ooh you beings,
Day and night the struggle continues,
Don’t mind the height,
Main effort being the day’s menu,
With everything included,
Tax is not excluded,
Mind you,
Be it the rich or poor,
Fight for what's yours,
They’re two different worlds but heading towards the same direction,
Many trying to term it as surviving and not living,
In thing,
Chances of a better tomorrow but tiresome chances to undergo through,
With every touch,
Cash seems to be a rare catch!


Every time we tend to be fully and completely taken away, that’s when other things tend to open themselves out of the closed caskets. At times we might be fully aware of what we ought to do and the cause of alarm to overlap. But each day we hold on and gain absolute strength to exhale all our problems out. In real sense what about destiny? I’m I the only person who believes in it, may be! There are certain things we ought to abandon, forget and despair for the sake of everything coming in handy. Certainly in many scenarios “never say never” since we truly don’t know what tomorrow brings forth. In reality can we be so sure of ourselves to an extent of making a fifty-fifty decision which doesn’t end up with regret? Maybe, what a life! 

Friday, 14 September 2012


Be yourself,
Exercise patience, if this makes sense,
Don’t be demeaned, that’s indeed,
Persistence pays, even when things get a bit intense,
In sense there are a few successes behind every mess,
Arise and be wise,
After the demise of the perfect dream,
Don’t quit with the chase,
No matter how mere it dims,
Never cease, always at ease,
Better keep up with it,
The die is cast, that’s a fact!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Hell no, its heaven and beyond,
I want to rail on,
Can you hear my hail Lord,
The load is too heavy,
If any
Am head on from all odds,
Reaching on,
The backbone of the gospel,
A no zone for spells,
Not some magic, how many do imagine,
Tot after tot many are totally losing it,
Really feeling it,
It’s faith we building in him,
A lasting resort,
Before the end, aid finding the lost and almost found.

Monday, 10 September 2012


Life is painful to many,
But there is a curve that makes us smile again,
Now and then,
We go down the drain with few successions happening,
Eyeing the crown to be the one,
indeed tomorrow brings a different forth,
Mountains seem even higher for us to finish the climb,
Is it about I and I to be among the chosen few we would want to be,
With comforts and treasures of life being thrown at us,
Maybe tossing the coin will be the only chance,
The bet being the head or tail.